Building upon a decade of front line Family Law experience, during the following years Fraser has honed his Family Law practice to focus on collaboratively assisting parties in dispute through what is a complex and emotionally challenging period in their lives.
Guiding clients through the challenging path to resolution of all aspects of any family law matter following the ending of a relationship.
Fraser Murray
Nationally Accredited Mediator
Between 2004 and 2014 I spent a decade employed in the Family Court system as a Judges Associate. During that time I gained invaluable insight into the inner workings of the family law system, application of the law and saw first-hand the impact of litigation between parties in intractable disputes.
At the core of my passion for family law mediation is my dedication to working with real people to identify and implement solutions to whatever their circumstances may be. This underpins my approach in private practice as a mediator and collaborative family lawyer. As a Nationally Accredited Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner I can be engaged by both parties jointly to impartially facilitate a negotiated outcome and avoid the emotional and financial impact of court proceedings.
I am authorised to issue parties with certificates pursuant to section 60I of the Family Law Act to enable proceedings to be commenced by either party in relation to parenting matters if a party refuses to attend at mediation or if no agreement can be reached.
Benefits of Mediation
Considering this, other reasons to consider attempting to resolve your matter through mediation rather than a court process include:
Cost: Assuming both parties have legal representation and depending on the complexity of the situation, it is not unusual for parties to incur legal costs ranging between $50,000 to $100,000 to take a dispute to trial.
Time consuming: From the time of filing an initiating application an applicant could expect to spend at least 18 months to 2 years in the Federal Circuit Court or longer in the Family Court of Australia.
Emotionally draining: Litigation is stressful. Never have I met a person who has been a party in the family court system and said that they felt that it was a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
Disappointing in terms of outcomes: Parties are often left disappointed with the court process. It may not address their agendas. The parties are subjected to the idiosyncrasies of the trial judge, who may not deliver a satisfactory judgment compared to the efforts poured in to getting the case to trial. The parties are left to ponder appealing the decision at further cost and delay and there is a risk for the unsuccessful litigant to meet a costs order.
Lacking control over the outcome: The court process serves the purpose where the parties cannot come to an agreement for whatever reasons. The judge then steps in to make a decision for the parties.
Delay: Long winded court process can delay parties getting on with their lives and can have long lasting detrimental effects on those concerned.
Destructive: In terms of preserving and maintaining a co-parenting arrangement in the future.
Comparatively: Mediation is both a cost and time effective way to resolve your matter, keeping you in control the whole time.
Interested to find out more? Send us a message today.
Fees are $2,420 half day, $3,630 full day (including GST). Fee includes:
- Invitations issued to both parties to attend at mediation.
- Individual intake appointments prior to confirming mediation date (telephone or video call).
- Family Dispute Mediation (in person or video call).
- Refreshments (morning/afternoon tea).
- If agreement reached – Assistance with Parenting Plan.
- If no agreement – Issue s60I certificates (upon request at no additional charge).
If the parties require additional time, then each additional hour shall be charged at $350 (including GST).
Interested to find out more? Send us a message today.42