Some helpful information to get you started or help you along the way in your legal journey.
WATCH: Can you bring a support person into a mediation?
What are the most common misconceptions people have about divorce mediation?
WATCH: What is a child inclusive mediation?
What are the most common misconceptions people have about divorce mediation?
WATCH: If an agreement is reached, will it be binding?
What are the most common misconceptions people have about divorce mediation?
WATCH: What are the most common misconceptions people have about divorce mediation?
What are the most common misconceptions people have about divorce mediation?
WATCH: How do you deal with situations where emotions run high during mediation sessions?
How do you deal with situations where emotions run high during mediation sessions?
WATCH: How do you handle situations where there is a significant power imbalance between the parties?
How do you handle situations where there is a significant power imbalance between the parties?
WATCH: How do you find the right mediator for you?
How do you find the right mediator for you?
WATCH: Can mediation resolve parenting arrangements?
Can mediation resolve parenting arrangements?
WATCH: Is mediation always the best option?
Is mediation always the best option for a divorce separation?
WATCH: How can I ensure my interests are protected?
How can I ensure my interests are protected during mediation without having a lawyer present?
WATCH: What are the main benefits of choosing mediation?
What happens if my spouse refuses to participate?
WATCH: Is mediation confidential, and how long does confidentiality work?
What happens if my spouse refuses to participate?